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Minggu, 01 Mei 2011


Minggu, 17 April 2011

Berbagi Ilmu...

A. Infinitive is divided into:
1. TO INFINITIVE, examples: to go, to read, to come, to learn,to play, etc.
2. INFINITIVE WITHOUT  TO, examples: go, read, come, learn, play, etc.
    INFINITIVES have some forms, such as:
·         TO + VERB-1, example: To know me is To love me.
·         NOT  TO + VERB-1, example: She wants me not to go.
·         TO BE + VERB-3, example: The manager wanted the report to be printed soon.
B. The use of Infinitive
1. As subject
·         To know me is to love me.
·         To live is to struggle.
·         To love is to sacrifice.
2. As adverb of purpose
·         Hasi went to the USA to continue his study.
·         I stop in front of Plaza Ambarukmo to buy some T-shirts.
3. As adverb of adjective
·         I am sorry to hear that.
·         That woman is too busy to think of herself.

4. As adverb of noun
·         We have a lot of new English books to read.
·         I have something to discuss today.
5. As clause which is started by (What/How-word) + to verb-1
·         I dont know what to say.
·         I know how to get there.
6. After  the verbs’ object below:
I ask Shinta to come to a Seminar.
We all agree to find a way out.
I arrange to meet Cyntia in the cafe.
That girl appears not to know the matter.
Mr. Simon can’t afford to build a good house.
I have decided to apply for a position.
This tool enables us to enter this room.
My father encorages me to take the chance.
I expect to be admitted to the University Entrance Examination.
would like
I would like you to be rich and happy.
would prefer
I would prefer to have lunch now.
would love
I’d love to live in Boyolali.
General Mc Kein ordered the troops to keep alert.
Tell her not to leave her house after 9.00 p.m. ; etc.

1. After  the words: Can-Could, May-Might, Must-Have/Has/Had to, Shall-Should,Will-Would.
·         I can come with you.
·         We must try again.
·         You should stay here until everything is all right.
2. After the verbs: Let, Make, and Help.
·         The cops let the demontrators enter the parliamentary building.
·         That letter has made the girl cry.
·         Help me move this table, please!
3. The verb Need + to be + Verb-3 / Verb-1+ing.
·         The flowers need to be watered.
·         The flowers need watering.

A. The use of Gerund
1. Gerund as subject
·         Swimming can make us healthy.
·         Having good education can be a future capital.
·         Reading a lot is a must for every student.
2. Gerund as object
·         Alvina admitted keeping secret documents.
·         You can go on working in this company.
·         I like to make my own decoration.
3. Gerund after the verbs ”Need, Want,  and Require + Verb-1 + ing”  or  “to be + Verb-3”
·         The flowers need watering.
·         The flowers need to be watered.
4. Gerund after the verbs:
a. Object to + verb-ing
          example: we objected to being treated like that.
b. Be + Opposed to + verb-ing
          example: we opposed to being treated like that.
c. Be + accustomed to + verb-ing
          example: people here are accustomed to working hard day and night.
d. Be + Used to + verb-ing But Used to + verb-1
     example: I used to live in the city, now I live in a town but I am used to living in the city.
e. Be + Look (-ing) forward to + verb-ing
          example: I am looking forward to meeting him.
5. Gerund after Prepositions
·         Sadli is good at designing houses.
·         Jason is interested in learning Indonesian cultures.
·         Farida is clever at making new patterns of fashion.
6. Gerund as adverb of noun
·         The dancing hall is full.
·         The swimming pool is closed.
7. Gerund after Possesive Adjective
·         I appreciate your coming.
·         His visiting is meaningful.

There are 3 groups of Gerund or Infinitive, such as:
·         Group 1 : verb + gerund
·         Group 2 : verb + infinitive
·         Group 3 : verb + gerund or infinitive
a. No difference in meaning
                 example: I like eating/to eat Halloween candy.
b. Difference in meaning
     Such verbs include: try, stop, forget, remember
·         Try + gerund
“I’ll try using fresh pumpkin.” <sample test >
·         Try + infinitive
“... when he tries to carve his first...” <attempt to do something>
·         Stop + gerund
“I can’t stop eating Halloween candy”. <quit an activity>
·         Stop + infinitive
·         “I am going to stop to have...” <interrupt or quit an activity to begin another>
·         Remember + gerund
“I remember going trick-or-treating...” <have the memory of an event or action>
·         Remember + infinitive
I remembered to buy...” <not forget to do something>
·         Forget + gerund
“How could I forget buying such a cool decoration”. <not have the memory of an event or action>
·         Frget + infinitive
“Don’t forget to buy candy”. <not remember to do something>

Exercises 1
1. I tried (indentifying/to indentify) all the neighborhood children in their costumes, but it wasn’t easy. Some were wearing masks that covered their faces.
2. “Please don’t forget (taking/to take) a picture of the children in their costumes,” the grandmother asked.
3. While walking home from school, the boy stopped (looking/to look) at the scarecrow in the neighbors’ front yard. He smiled at its funny face and clothes.
4. I don’t remember (seeing/to see) little Joey among the children who came to our house. Did he go trick-or-treating this year?

Exercises 2
1. Have you ever tried eating a familiar food in a strange, new way?
à I once tried eating
2. During the day, everyone must take a short break from working or studying. When did you rest today and what did you do?
à I stopped                   at about                     o’clock                       and

3. Look at old photos of yourself in an album. What are some things that you’ve forgotten?
à I don’t remember having                , wearing                   , or
4. Which big holiday is coming up next? What do you have to do to prepare for it?
à I must remember to

Lestarikan Aset Budaya Bangsa

Pada zaman dulu di kerajaan Daha hiduplah seorang Brahmana yang benama Sidi Mantra yang sangat terkenal kesaktiannya. Sanghyang Widya atau Batara Guru menghadiahinya harta benda dan seorang istri yang cantik. Sesudah bertahun-tahun kawin, mereka mendapat seorang anak yang mereka namai Manik Angkeran.
Meskipun Manik Angkeran seorang pemuda yang gagah dan pandai namun dia mempunyai sifat yang kurang baik, yaitu suka berjudi. Dia sering kalah sehingga dia terpaksa mempertaruhkan harta kekayaan orang tuanya, malahan berhutang pada orang lain. Karena tidak dapat membayar hutang, Manik Angkeran meminta bantuan ayahnya untuk berbuat sesuatu. Sidi Mantra berpuasa dan berdoa untuk memohon pertolongan dewa-dewa. Tiba-tiba dia mendengar suara, “Hai, Sidi Mantra, di kawah Gunung Agung ada harta karun yang dijaga seekor naga yang bernama Naga Besukih. Pergilah ke sana dan mintalah supaya dia mau memberi sedikit hartanya.”
Sidi Mantra pergi ke Gunung Agung dengan mengatasi segala rintangan. Sesampainya di tepi kawah Gunung Agung, dia duduk bersila. Sambil membunyikan genta dia membaca mantra dan memanggil nama Naga Besukih. Tidak lama kemudian sang Naga keluar. Setelah mendengar maksud kedatangan Sidi Mantra, Naga Besukih menggeliat dan dari sisiknya keluar emas dan intan. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih, Sidi Mantra mohon diri. Semua harta benda yang didapatnya diberikan kepada Manik Angkeran dengan harapan dia tidak akan berjudi lagi. Tentu saja tidak lama kemudian, harta itu habis untuk taruhan. Manik Angkeran sekali lagi minta bantuan ayahnya. Tentu saja Sidi Mantra menolak untuk membantu anakya.
Manik Angkeran mendengar dari temannya bahwa harta itu didapat dari Gunung Agung. Manik Angkeran tahu untuk sampai ke sana dia harus membaca mantra tetapi dia tidak pernah belajar mengenai doa dan mantra. Jadi, dia hanya membawa genta yang dicuri dari ayahnya waktu ayahnya tidur.
Setelah sampai di kawah Gunung Agung, Manik Angkeran membunyikan gentanya. Bukan main takutnya sewaktu melihat Naga Besukih. Setelah Naga mendengar maksud kedatangan Manik Angkeran, dia berkata, “Akan kuberikan harta yang kau minta, tetapi kamu harus berjanji untuk mengubah kelakuanmu. Jangan berjudi lagi. Ingatlah akan hukum karma.”
Manik Angkeran terpesona melihat emas, intan, dan permata di hadapannya. Tiba-tiba ada niat jahat yang timbul dalam hatinya. Karena ingin mendapat harta lebih banyak, dengan secepat kilat dipotongnya ekor Naga Besukih ketika Naga beputar kembali ke sarangnya. Manik Angkeran segera melarikan diri dan tidak terkejar oleh Naga. Tetapi karena kesaktian Naga itu, Manik Angkeran terbakar menjadi abu sewaktu jejaknya dijilat sang Naga.
Mendengar kematian anaknya, kesedihan hati Sidi Mantra tidak terkatakan. Segera dia mengunjungi Naga Besukih dan memohon supaya anaknya dihidupkan kembali. Naga menyanggupinya asal ekornya dapat kembali seperti sediakala. Dengan kesaktiannya, Sidi Mantra dapat memulihkan ekor Naga. Setelah Manik Angkeran dihidupkan, dia minta maaf dan berjanji akan menjadi orang baik. Sidi Mantra tahu bahwa anaknya sudah bertobat tetapi dia juga mengerti bahwa mereka tidak lagi dapat hidup bersama.
“Kamu harus mulai hidup baru tetapi tidak di sini,” katanya. Dalam sekejap mata dia lenyap. Di tempat dia berdiri timbul sebuah sumber air yang makin lama makin besar sehingga menjadi laut. Dengan tongkatnya, Sidi Mantra membuat garis yang mernisahkan dia dengan anaknya. Sekarang tempat itu menjadi selat Bali yang memisahkan pulau Jawa dengan pulau Bali.

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